jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

McDonald's Dollar Menu Experience.

Today i'm going to talk about my experience for the last 2 nights when I went to McDonald's and try the dollar menu...

It all started to nights ago i was getting out from the park and i was thinking that i had an assignment about doing a blog for McDonald's, i was very hungry so i thought that i can go and get something like a Big Mac and talk about it.

when i get to McDonald's  i went straight to the cashier but something caught my attention, right next to the cashier a very efficient place it was a wall with the dollar menu... they got from cheese burgers to wraps so i went ahead and ask for a chicken wrap small fries and a small coke, everything was about four dollars with the taxes!, that's amazing to me! because, i came too late from work and i was not i a mood for cooking and i didn't had much money it was the best deal ever to me; McDonald's is actually near to my housing so it was like 5 minutes walk or less and get very cheap food and the wrap was not that bad actually it was neat! i think this is a great idea.

The next day i went and get a cheese burger just to try it and it was not that good as the wrap but still i was tired and hungry and did not have much money so it still sounds like a great deal to me even if its only a cheese burger and a  small coke i'll keep going there and i already started to  recommend it to my friends and  others cast members.